Assets are regularly exposed to various risks, such as fires, floods, storms, hail, earthquakes, as well as to the subsequent business interruption resulting from them. In case of property damage or destruction as a result of insured risk, property insurance policy is activated which covers the cost of restoring the property to its previous condition. This is a simple process only in theory. What can be insured, how, and against which risks? What are the insurance amounts? How is the insurance fee calculated in case of damage and will restitution suffice? All these questions demand answers.

By adopting an individual approach, which means getting to know the client’s business, analyze and assess risk exposure and propose insurance solutions based on real needs, PARTNER BROKER l.t.d. can offer adequate solutions to your insurance needs.

Property insurance covers all assets, regardless of whether you own them, rent or lease, providing insurance against various types of risks. Assets can be insured against individual risks listed in the policy or against “all risks” (except the ones explicitly excluded).

Property damage can also lead to business interruption which impacts the business of the insurer, oftentimes much more so than property damage itself. Business interruption resulting from fires, floods, or earthquakes can last from several weeks to as long as a year. Business interruption insurance policy covers all fixed costs and revenue loss for the duration of the interruption brought on by the risks included in the insurance. Property insurance provides insurance against the unanticipated risks while business interruption insurance provides financial stability of the company in case the insured risks occur.